Member News – 2024


The BA Sentinel – Serving the Business Community, Preserving Democracy

The Broken Arrow Sentinel was founded in 2021. This independent online news operation includes a website and daily e-newsletter. In just 30 months, they’ve published more than 1,500 local new stories, events,
videos and more — which collectively has produced nearly 500,000 page views. Click here to read more…

Blooming Boost! How flowers can transform your workplace: enhanced productivity and well-being with employees; build trust and more with clients

Let’s take a deeper dive into the transformative power of flowers in our workplace and how they can leave a lasting impression on both our clients and employees alike. Adding a splash of blooms isn’t just about making our space look pretty; it can also work wonders for our mood, and productivity, and even leave a lasting impression on our clients. Click here to read more…

JMARK | JMARK | Managed IT Services & Cybersecurity Services

Is Your IT a Ticking Time Bomb?

As a business leader, you know that time is your most valuable resource. Every hour spent dealing with computer issues steals away focus from activities that actually grow your company. Grappling with technology troubles can... Click here to read more…

ENERGY STAR® Checklists of Energy-Saving Measures

Commercial buildings can use a large amount of energy during operations. Even the smallest actions such as leaving a light on or altering a process can have a huge impact on energy output… Click here to read more…

The Corporate Transparency Act: What You Need to Know Now

If you own a business or are involved in a business, there’s a crucial new law you need to know about: the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA). This legislation, aimed at combating money laundering and other financial crimes, has far-reaching implications for millions of Americans…. Click here to read more…

The Power of Company Swag: Boosting Employee Engagement and Retention

At TGI Promo, we know that attracting and keeping great employees is more important than ever. One effective way to do this is by using promotional products and company merchandise…. Click here to read more…